
In a time of political turmoil, following a fearsome twist of fate, an ordinary young woman embarks on an epic battle for liberty and equality.

Fall & Rise

Fall & Rise follows an ordinary businessman on an extraordinary and unforgettable voyage home through London’s homeless community.


Horror finds a new home in this pitch-black political satire written by James Dimelow. #DamageDone


A deliciously dark tale, written and directed by James Dimelow, to commemorate William Shakespeare’s 400th Anniversary.


In a world where nothing is what it seems, we soon discover that romance may not be dead after all. #deadromantic

Summer Nights

William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream gets a modern makeover, in this family-friendly new play written by James Dimelow.


Warped tells the tongue-in-cheek tale of a group of science fiction fans, following the kidnapping of their idol William Shatner.